There are so many benefits of renting instead of owning your Chevrolet business vehicle fleet, it is hard to name only a few. One important point, of course, is the financial aspect. While buying a fleet calls for a huge investment, our service offers competitive pricing and amazing discounts for our customers. Additionally, you will not have to worry about the maintenance of the vehicles. This service is included in our offer, that also comes with an experienced and esteemed online booking platform for incredibly easy project management.
Who gets to say that they are driving a new vehicle every day? Our customers do, thanks to our extremely versatile and broad Chevrolet fleet. We offer only the most advanced vehicles available on the market right now, including stunning automobiles like the Chevrolet Corvette Convertible or the insanely spacious Chevrolet Express 15 Passenger car. Find the right automobile for your ever-changing demands. Be it challenging road conditions or larger amounts of luggage that need transporting, our Chevrolet business vehicle fleet will not let you down. Your advantages: Versatile and flexible, drive a new car every day. Find the right vehicle for every circumstance.
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Please note that with SIXT you always choose a booking class, so you will always receive an available, equivalent car.
Why make life harder for you than it has to be by trying to set up your own Chevrolet fleet for your business? Our service comes as a full package deal, complete with not only an amazingly versatile and exclusive Chevrolet company car fleet, but also with already established and esteemed process management systems. This includes an online platform where you can place and manage both your bookings as well as your contract details. On top of that, we even offer a free smartphone app that also allows you to make reservations of one of our amazing Chevrolet business cars up to 30 minutes before your arrival. And finally, our service is not only available in one location. We rather collaborate with rental stations around the globe to create the most flexible and agile mobility solution for our customers. Don’t wait any longer and start driving our incredible Chevrolet company cars right now.
Discover SIXT business! Find your perfect company car, rental car for your next business trip, or THE fleet solution for your company.