SIXT share Loyalty Program - FAQs

Loyalty Program

How does the SIXT share loyalty program work?

With every journey in a SIXT share car, you earn valuable points. For every full euro you spend, you receive 1 point. Once you’ve reached 250 points, you automatically receive a 5€ voucher* in your account. We'll notify you with a push notification once you’ve received a voucher.

How are the points calculated?

The calculation of your points takes into account full euros, and bill amounts are rounded down accordingly.

Where can I see my current points balance?

You can see your current points balance at any time in the SIXT app. Open the "Share" tab, click on the three dots in the upper right corner, and then click on "Loyalty".

General FAQs

Requirements & Limitations

Can another person use my SIXT account? Can I go abroad?

Vehicles & rent

When does the rent start? Can I filter by specific models?

Company & Business

Are there company conditions? How do I create a business profile?

My account & registration

How do I edit my personal data? How do I cancel SIXT share?

Parking & Business District

Can I drop the vehicles off in Garching? Can I rent/collect the vehicle at Berlin Tegel Airport?

Protection Option & Damage

How do I report new damage? What is the financial responsibility in the event of an accident?

Refueling & Charging

How do I refuel or charge a SIXT share vehicle? How can I receive a voucher for refueling or charging?


How does the price calculation work? How can I earn free credit at SIXT share?

Payment & Invoice

Is there a deposit? How do I change the billing address on the invoice?

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